So I say, there should be a better way! And that's SSH tunneling.
In order to configure that I have opened the SSH port on my router, so due to the lovely free Dyndns service I should be able to establish a ssh connection from everywhere in the World. It's a good practice to use a different port than 22, in order to mask the service listening behind. I have chosen mine above 1024, out of the well known port range.
Further on, from DD-WRT GUI, on the Services >> Services tab I have enabled SSH TCP Forwarding as shown below:
Now on the remote PC, the one which I will use from remote in order to access my LAN, I have to set up a Putty connection:
After saving, for the above defined session I went to SSH >> tunnels. The image below shows how to configure the tunneling for http protocol in order to be able to access the GUI from remote.
Be aware that I have the remote GUI administration turned off, and the only port being opened in the firewall is the one used for SSH.
Further on I will use Mozilla Firefox for configuring a proxy, since Mozilla turned out to be the most versatile browser when it comes to proxy configuration. So I configured a Socks v5 local proxy listening on port 8080.
Having this configured, all I need to do is to start a SSH connection to my DD-WRT router and once connected to use Mozilla browser in order to access my router's GUI, as being inside the LAN.
In the same manner, one can configure RDP, in order to access the windows machines inside the LAN
but more about this probably on a future episode.